Receta Baked Stuffed Flounder (Rolls)

- Preheat oven to 400F. Heat oil in small nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add in onion and garlic: saute/fry 3 min, or possibly till softened. Remove from heat. Stir in bread crumbs, parsley, lemon juice, marjoram and 1/4 tsp salt.
- Spread stuffing along the length of each fillet, dividing proportionately. Roll fillets (cigar); secure with wooden pick. Place in glass pie plate or possibly shallow baking dish. Add in wine, chicken stock or possibly clam juice. Sprinkle fillets with paprika and remaining 1/4 tsp salt if you like.
- Bake, basting fish occasionally with pan liquids, for 20 min, or possibly till fish betweens to flake when touched with fork and stuffing is heated through. Remove wooden picks. Serve.
- NOTES : Here's one which's easy to do. The trick is not to over cook it. It continues cooking for the first minute or possibly two out of the oven.
- Fish fillets and pcs are also very good cooked briefly on a foreman grill - using the times in the booklet.
- Serve these marjoram bread crumb stuffed flounder rolls with grilled or possibly steamed zucchini topped with a tomato salsa or possibly salad or possibly ratatouille.