Receta Baking| Vanilla Bean Chocolate Chip Wookies {Waffle + Cookies = Wookies!!}…Pennsylvania Dutch Waffle Cookies
“I’ve waffled before. I’ll waffle again.”
Howard Dean
Guess what? This morning I made some of the best and fastest cookies of my life. It was a chance find as I was on a food pictures website where these absolutely CUTE cookies caught my eye – Wookies by Beau Dealy @ Something Edible. I was up in a jiffy, dusting the cobwebs off my treasured Belgian waffle maker. In next to no time I had Vanilla Bean and Chocolate Chip Wookies!
These are a variation on an original recipe of Pennsylvania Dutch Cinnamon Waffle Cookies that were elevated to charmingly delicious levels by this very talented blogger. A result of his hard work and experimentation, his version offer a festive and interesting maple icing glaze. You must read his post.He describes the vital statistics behind the dough, its consistency, the timing, his experiences, along with step by step pictures; very worth the read. If I had original maple syrup in my larder I would have made his variation.I skipped the cinnamon in the dough and the glaze too, adding chocolate chips to the sticky dough instead. I was really curious to see how these would come out. My Belgian waffle maker is a few years old, one that my lil’ sis from the US gifted me. It ran on the standard American voltage of 120V until the wiring was redone by my adventurous engineer father to our local Indian voltage of 220V. Don’t ask me what he did, but it works!The recipe worked beautifully!! Just as we heaved a sigh of relief thankful for a very smooth, largely power cut free summer, we’ve been cursed with incessant power cuts this season. Come winter, foggy, bone chilling days at 6-7 degrees C, and the power is playing truant. Baking sometimes seems a pain with no uninterrupted power supply. That’s why these yummy looking two minute cookies called my name.My word, were they good? CRISP GOOD! The daughter was home early after her exam and LOVED them. The son got a couple with his mug of milk when he got in from school. “Just 2 please“, I thundered. I had a journalist and his photographer coming in later that afternoon for an interview and photoshoot for a local daily. “MUST save some for them!”
Vanilla Bean Chocolate Chip Wookies {Waffle Cookies}
Crisp, unique deliciously unforgettable Pensylvania Dutch waffle cookies made in minutes in a waffle maker. Versatile too.
100gm butter, room temperature.
- 1/2 cup vanilla sugar
- 1/2 vanilla bean, scraped
- pinch of salt
- 2 small eggs {or 2 yolks + 1 white}
- 1 cup flour
- 1/4tsp baking powder
- 1/2 cup dark chocolate chipsInstructions
In a stand mixer, cream together butter, scraped vanilla bean, pinch of salt and sugar at medium speed for three minutes, stopping to scrape the bowl as necessary.
Add eggs and continue to beat on medium for another two minutes, scraping the bowl as necessary.
Set the mixer to stir and spoon in the flour, baking powder and chocolate chips. The finished batter should have the consistency of a sticky cookie dough.
Fire up your waffle iron to 400F (around medium-high) and dish out measured tablespoon-sized portions (3/4 oz) into each division of the waffle iron. "Bake" for 2 minutes or until golden brown, and let cool and crisp up on a wire rack.
These holiday cookies are on the way to Suma’s Cakes And More Cookie Fest where she says “None of us remain immune to the spirit of baking during the Christmas season, even the hesitant baker turns on the oven for sure. So, do bake me some cookies – chewy, crispy,flaky or crunchy – anything from gooey brownies to crunchy biscotti to delicate tuiles to flaky batons – I shall gobble them all!” All yours to gobble Suma!!
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