Receta Banana Wine

- We sliced the bananas, skin and all, and boilied- simmered for 30 min, then poured the bannaner slurry into a strainer bag over 10 lb sugar. Adjusted to SG to 1.10, tested acid and added acid blend. Added camden tablets and then we made a starter of Pastuer champagne yeast and added it the next day after gently squeezing and removing bag. 1 week later into 5 gal carboy and topped up with sugar syrup (I cant resist feeding them a little extra) and allowed to procede to 0.995. We like to use sparkaloid to clear the wine (5 months), it only took 6 months before it was bottled, it tasted great at bottling time and just keeps improving. You will be impressed with the amount of bannana flavour you can get doing it this way and its easy.