Receta Barb's Special Sweet Breads Part 7

- ALMOND BUTTER: Cream together the sugar and butter, then blend in the almonds, making sure to mix well.
- ICING: Beat the sugar and water together till completely blended. Drizzle over the pastry and garnish with cherries and almonds if you like.
- VANILLA CREAM: Combile all the ingredients except the vanilla in a saucepan. Blend and cook for 3 min, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla. Whip mix occasionally to keep it from forming a film, if not using immediately.
- PLUMP CURRANTS: Sprinkle the rum or possibly cognac over the currants (or possibly raisins) and set aside till they have been plumped.
- EGG WASH: Beat together the egg and water, mixing well. Reserve for use as needed.