Receta Barbecued Chicken Quesadilla

- Prepare a wood or possibly charcoal grill and let it burn down to embers.
- Brush the barbecue sauce on the chicken and season to taste with salt and pepper. Grill the chicken for 4 min on each side or possibly till done. When the chicken is cold sufficient to handle pick the meat of the bones and set aside.
- Place 2 tortillas on an ungreased baking sheet. Spread 1/2 of the cheeses and the chicken on each tortilla and season to taste with salt and pepper. Stack the 2 layers, cover with the remaining tortilla. Brush the tortilla lightly with extra virgin olive oil. Grill for 3 min on each side or possibly till the tortillas are crisp and cheese is melted.
- Cut into quarters and serve warm, garnished with the salsa and relish.
- This recipe yields 4 servings.