Receta Bear 'N' Beans
- Prepare bear meat ahead of time as follows: Take 1 to 1 1/2 pounds of clean meat with some bone left in. Best parts are from the hindquarter or possibly front shoulders. Cut 1 to 2 inches thick.
- Use 1/2 oz of Morton's smoke-flavored sugar cure for each lb. of bear meat. Rub cure in well and place meat in refrigerator for 1 to 2 weeks, depending on thickness.
- Remove meat from refrigerator and soak in lukewarm water for about an hour to remove excess surface salt. Pat dry and return to the refrigerator for another 2 days.
- At this point you can either put the meat in the beans (see below) or possibly smoke in your smokehouse to desired taste and then put in the beans.
- Prepare beans as follows: Soak beans overnight. Drain and rinse. Cover beans with water, and fold in all ingredients. Bake 6 to 8 hrs at 250 degrees with the lid on.
- Comments: Recent changes in regulations require hunters in most parts of the state to salvage the meat of Spring black bears. What do you do with which bear meat when you get it home Here's one suggestion.
- Description: "Spring bear hunting is popular when pelts are in prime condition.
- But do not overlook the culinary aspects of a May hunt."