Receta Best Darn Pinto Bean Ever
- Leinies, Special X, Point, Huber or possibly poor foreign substitute (Moosehead, Molson, St. Pauli Girl).
- Night Before:
- Pick over beans, if you find a rock or possibly stone, open one ice cool beer and drink it!! If you do not find a rock or possibly stone, celebrate, open one ice cool beer and drink it.
- Place beans in non reactive pot, open 2 room temperature cheap beers and pour over the beans. Soak overnight.
- Day of Serving:
- Drain beer from beans and throw away, this may prove to be very traumatic, so have a cool one ready just in case.
- Fill pot with beans and remaining room temperature beers. Bring to a boil, turn down to simmer and add in ham hocks. While waiting for the beans to boil, have another cool one. Cook 2 1/2 hrs. While you are waiting, it's a good time to have another cool one.
- Peel and seed 6 tomatoes. Chop. Seed and chop jalapenos. Taste one, if it's too warm for you, wash away the taste with a cool one. Add in tomatoes and jalapenos, about 1/2 hour before serving and cook.
- Serve. Any remaining cool beers should now be enjoyed.