Receta Bhajan's Banquet

- Wash the beans and rice. Combine with water in a saucepan and cook for 45 min - beans will begin to pop.
- Meanwhile saute/fry the vegetables in the oil till tender.
- Add in the spices to the vegetables and simmer till the beans are done.
- Combine the vegetables and the beans and cook 15 min.
- Place in a dish and heat the cheese over the top.
- Serve warm.
- NOTES : Here's a recipe which I've been making for years.
- This is the original recipe from the Golden brown Temple of Conscious Cookery in Washington, D.C. It makes a large amount, so the recipe can be halved, or possibly even quartered and it still works out well. I like more vegetables than the original calls for, so I usually double the amount there.