Receta Black Pie (Torta Nera)

- Remove the butter from the refrigerator at least 2 hrs before beginning the preparation. Plunge the almonds in boiling water, drain and toast them for a few min in a moderate oven, then reduce them to a power in a blender. Beat 4 egg yolks in a bowl (set aside the whites), along with 2/3 c. of sugar. When the sugar and yolks are well blended, beat in the powdered almonds, coffee, lemon peel and Sambuca. Beat the egg whites till they are stiff and fold them into the mix.
- Preheat the oven to 3750 F. Prepare a dough by working the remaining butter into the flour, along with 1/3 c. of sugar, 1 egg and a healthy pinch of salt. Butter a pie pan and line it with the dough, making sure which it overlaps the rim. Grate the chocolate over the pie dough, then pour in the mix. Fold the dough back over the filling to make a border.
- Bake the pie in a 3750 F. oven for 40 min. Remove from the oven and let the pie cold before serving it