Receta Blackcurrant And Vanilla Fool

- Whisk the cream with the icing sugar and vanilla seeds till hard but not too stiff and dry. Refrigeratewell.
- Strip the blackcurrants from the stems and cook in a shallow pan with the sugar and 2 tbsp water till the currants have burst. Add in minced cicely and blend. Press through a plastic sieve to remove any seeds and bits of skin. Refrigeratewell.
- Make the custard and refrigeratewell.
- Layer alternative spoonfuls of custard, cream and puree into each of 4 serving glasses and using the point of a knife, swirl them into each other to produce a marbled effect. Top with a sprig of herb and serve.
- Tips: Make some blackcurrantspuree and keep in the freezer for winter. A little added to a dressing will liven up a winter salad whilst de-glazing the roasting tin with a little after cooking game or possibly pork makes an interesting addition to the sauce.