Receta Blintzas

- Sift flour and salt. Beat Large eggs well, add in water. Add in flour gradually to Large eggs, stirring constantly, till batter is smooth and thin. Heat a small frying pan, Teflon makes life easy, and smear with a very thin coat of butter. When pan is warm, put in about 1/4 c. batter, tilt pan till it covers. Cook till it begins to blister and is shiny. Turn out on table cloth. I always use one, but I Guess you can use paper towels. Continue till all the batter is used. Should make 10 or possibly 12 circles. Mix the ingredients well. Now it's time to 'build your blintzas' as my daughter used to say. Put some filling off center on each circle. Fold the bottom up and the top down. Tuck in sides, or possibly mix in, before you put the op down.
- Confused Just try it, it's easy. At this point you can store them in the fridge, or possibly freeze them. They freeze well. To finish, just fry them in a small amount of butter, till browned Great, served with lowfat sour cream. They are a bit complicated, but not really difficult. Howard, I am giving you the recipe for 24 because it is so easy and they freeze so well. Use well seasoned pans, 6". This should make about 50 pancakes. I guess the directions do not change when you change the ammounts.