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Receta Blood Orange Sherbet Recipe and a Mocktail
by Sandy EverydaySouthwest

Hold on to your hats, we’re going retro-style with this old school sherbet recipe that I’ve given a glitzy, Mad Men twist… blood oranges. Yep, Blood Orange Sherbet. If only Megan from Mad Men had tried my blood orange sherbet instead? She may have started another bright orange craze and we’re not talking Howard Johnson’s.

I have no idea why sherbet has fallen off the “trendy” planet, it has always been a favorite of mine. Besides being delicious and more “fruit-y” than ice cream. Sherbet has less fat than ice cream but, more creaminess than sorbet. It uses milk instead of cream so it can handle tart, citrusy flavors that curdle ice cream and has a smoother feel than icy sorbet.

So, out of all the flavors out there, why blood oranges? Because I am obsessed with them. Blame Diane Cu and Todd Porter. It’s all their fault.

The first time I tried anything made out of blood oranges was at a photography seminar given by Diane and Todd, the genius behind the White on Rice Couple. Of coarse I love their photography. I love their blog and their awesome studio. I had admired their work for quite some time so, taking a class from them was sort of my “Elvis” moment. I was star-struck. But, when they brought out the Blood Orange Pops, I forgot about everything but those pops.

Now, there is absolutely no way to top Diane and Todd’s frozen pops. Don’t even try, just head on over there and check out their recipe (after you have tried mine, of coarse).

The last few blood oranges called to me from the grocery store yesterday and I knew I would have to come up with something completely different than their pops if I were to use them in my own recipe. So, here she is, Blood Orange Sherbet. And, a bonus! Blood Orange Fresca Floats.

What on earth is a “Fresca Float?” They’re retro style, too.

Every summer, my brothers and sister and I would get to stay a week or two with our grandmother in south eastern Arizona. I don’t have to tell you how hot it was. In the afternoons, my great grandmother would gather Donna and the older girls around the kitchen counter for a “Fresca Float.” Fresca is a favorite soda in Arizona. It is bright and citrus-y and extra bubbly. Grandma would poor the girls a glass and top it off with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

That’s a “Fresca Float.”

Now, you will notice I said, “Donna and the older girls…” You guessed it, I wasn’t one of the older girls. It was kind of like getting left at the “kid’s table” only there was no kid’s table. Not to worry, though. I’m not scarred, much. I just make my own Fresca Floats now, with any flavor I want. Today I put some of the leftover Blood Orange Sherbet in my Fresca and it was perfect. If you can’t find Fresca, you can substitute Squirt or even Sprite or 7up. The Blood Orange Sherbet will go well in my other favorite frozen drink as well.

Blood Orange Sherbet Recipe and Mocktail

Author: Sandy Hoopes

Recipe type: Dessert

Serves: 8

Juice the blood oranges. Pour sugar and ½ cup blood orange juice into a small sauce pan and bring to a simmer over medium low heat. Immediately reduce the heat to low and lightly simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and add salt.

Transfer to a heat proof bowl and chill. Chill remaining juice as well.

Mix the remaining blood orange juice and lemon juice into the mixture. Stir in the milk.

Pour the sherbet base into the bowl of an ice cream mixer and process according to manufacturer’s directions.

Add the diced blood orange segments halfway through the freezing process, if desired.

Remove the sherbet from the ice cream mixer and continue to freeze.


I hope you try this recipe with blood oranges, they really do taste differently than regular oranges. If you can’t find them in your area, Try frozen blood orange juice. My grocery store carries it in the freezer section by the frozen fruit mixes. Just make sure it is fruit juice and not fruit drink or the sherbet will be too sweet.

Don’t forget to enter our Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker Give Away! There is still a little over a week to enter. If you already have, tell a friend to enter and include you name in their comments for a second chance to win.

—posted by Sandy

blood orange recipe,

blood orange sherbet recipe,

home made ice cream,

ice cream maker,

ice cream maker give away,

ice cream recipe,

mocktail recipe,

sherbet recipe