Receta Blueberry Ice Cream
You can find fresh and sweet blueberries everywhere these days and it is quite cheap too, about 2.57 per punnet. I love blueberry and always grab at least 2 punnets at the supermarket even when I don't need them. I'll just store them in the freezer for future use. When my good friend Biren of Roti n Rice posted her Blueberry Ice Cream one week ago, I know I have to make the ice cream immediately. Thank you Biren for sharing this yummy ice cream recipe. I like the sweetness of the Blueberry Ice Cream, the texture was so creamy and it melted wonderfully in my mouth. I only made three quarters of the recipe as my ice cream maker can only whip up to one litre but I can always make another batch any time. :)
Biren has lots of yummy recipes especially local Malaysian snacks. You can't help drooling over the lovely pictures and interesting recipes posted by her. Please visit Biren's site at Roti n Rice and say a Big Hello to her.
- Makes about 800ml
- 1.5 cup punnets Blueberries (250g)
- 1/2 cup Sugar (120g)
- 3/4 cup UHT full cream milk (180g)
- 1.5 cup Whipping cream (360g)
Combine blueberries and sugar in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Do not cover but mashed blueberries with spatula and stir until sugar dissolves, about 5 minutes. Removed from and pour into a large bowl. Stir in milk and whipping cream. Cover and refrigerate for at least for 2 hours.
Place frozen bowl on base of ice creamer and turn it on. Pour chilled mixture into frozen bowl and churn until desired consistency, about 15-20 mins 30mins.
Spoon ice cream into a container and freeze for 3-4 hours before serving.
Please enjoy this yummy homemade ice cream to kick off the warm weather :)
Gosh! my ice cream is melting.... I need a spoon now!!