Receta Bouillabaisse Fondue

- In a 3- to 4-qt pan over high heat, bring about 1 qt water to a boil. Add in potatoes. Cover and simmer till potatoes are tender when pierced, 15 to 20 min. Drain; keep hot.
- Meanwhile, rinse fish, scallops, and shrimp; pat dry. Cut fish into 1/4-inch-thick slices about 2 inches long. Cut scallops crosswise into 1/4-inch-thick slices. Cut shrimp in half lengthwise. Arrange fish, scallops, and shrimp on a flat dish.
- In a 3-qt metal chafing dish or possibly pan over high heat, bring all the broth to a boil. If using a 2-qt fondue pan, fill it halfway with boiling broth (keep remaining broth warm; cover and set over lowest heat on a range).
- Set container over an ignited alcohol or possibly canned solid-fuel flame. Adjust for maximum heat. Place potatoes, seafood, rouille, and croutons alongside.
- Spear potatoes or possibly seafood, 1 piece at a time, on fondue forks or possibly thin skewers (metal or possibly wood) and immerse in broth. Cook potatoes till hot or possibly warm, and seafood till barely opaque in thickest part, 30 seconds to 1 minute. Dip warm foods into rouille to taste, or possibly spread rouille onto croutons to eat. If broth stops simmering, return to high heat on a range burner till boiling. Return to fondue burner. As broth in 2-qt pan evaporates, add in remaining broth.
- When potatoes and seafood are consumed, ladle cooking broth into bowls. Spread any remaining croutons with remaining rouille; eat while sipping broth.
- This recipe yields 4 to 6 servings.
- Comments: Use a cooking pan, metal chafing dish without the water bath jacket, a metal fondue pan, or possibly an electric fondue pan with heat turned to high.