Receta Braised Pork Chops with Creamy Savoy Cabbage
Okay, they’re not really pork chops.
There was a special last week on ‘pork’ for 2.99 a kilo – about $1.50 a pound.
It was in 3 kilo packages.
I looked through the packages and found one that looked pretty good.
I bought it.
I thought, if nothing else, it would work for stir-fries, skillet dinners, etc.
When I opened the box I was pleasantly surprised. I’m not sure what ‘cut’ the pork is, but they look like large fillets… the type one would use for a schnitzel.
If one made schnitzel…..
This is based on a recipe from the ‘American Heritage’ cook book I’ve had for years…. With modifications, of course.
The biggest change is using green or Savoy cabbage rather than the more traditional white cabbage.
In the recipe I listed boneless pork chops. You could use pork tenderloin, or, pork (?) like I did.
Braised Pork Chops with Creamy Savoy Cabbage
Total time: 60 minutes
- 2 – 4 pork chops, 12oz boneless (350gr)
- 1 onion, chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/2 tsp paprika
- 1/4 tsp celery salt
- 2 tsp olive oil
- 3 cups thinly sliced green (Savoy) cabbage
- 1/3 cup (3oz, 90ml) apple juice
- 1/3 cup (3oz, 90ml) chicken stock
- 8 – 12 fresh sage leaves or 2 tsp dried
- 1 tsp cornstarch (maizena) dissolved in 1 tbs water
- 1/3 cup (3oz, 90gr) Greek yogurt
Heat oil in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.
Add pork and brown on both sides, 6 – 8 minutes total. Remove and set aside.
Add onion, garlic, paprika, and sauté 5 minutes.
Add cabbage, apple juice, stock, sage, salt and stir to combine.
Lay pork on the cabbage, cover, reduce heat and simmer for 40 minutes, stirring and turning chops once.
Remove chops, cover to keep warm.
Add cornstarch mixture and stir until thickened.
Stir in yogurt.
Put cabbage on platter, top with chops and serve.
I had an appalling revelation today.
I think I’m becoming my mother.
Not that there was anything wrong with my mother (well, there was, but that’s irrelevant to this post) but there were idiosyncrasies that drove me crazy.
For example – she was unwilling to pay more than $25,00 for a blouse.
Paying $25.00 for a blouse was perfectly appropriate, perhaps even a little extravagant when she was younger but, even though the cost of blouses greatly increased, along with wages and everything else. she felt it was unreasonable and refused to accept it.
Sometimes people just draw a line in the sand and refuse to cross it. I knew a couple, both very well paid surgeons, who refused to buy tissues. They kept rolls of toilet paper in strategic places around the house in case one had need to dry a tear or some such.
I digress…..
The list of ‘everyday’ wines started at $17.99 and went up from there.
Everyday wines?
If that’s what people are meant to drink every day I am seriously behind the times.
Our ‘everyday’ wine is roughly $17.99. For 5 litres….
5 litres is a bit more than 6 1/2 bottles, or, in other words, we pay a bit less than $3.00 per bottle.
It’s perfectly drinkable wine – better than many ‘everyday’ wines. Actually, better than some much more expensive wines.
If we really wanted to cut corners, we could find wine for under one euro per litre…. No comment on that being ‘perfectly drinkable’.
Apparently, $3.00 per bottle is my ‘line in the sand’ for everyday wine.
Am I in danger of becoming an anachronism?
I live in France.
Wine, even the really good stuff, is reasonable. The same in Spain, Andorra, Italy.
So…. Never mind.
(And my sympathies to all of you who have to spend $17.99)
If you want nutrition information for the recipe, try this site: Calorie Count
Last Updated on October 23, 2013