Receta Braised Rabbit With Pears

- Season rabbit pcs and dust lightly with flour. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add in onion and saute/fry for 3 to 4 min. Add in rabbit pcs and brown each proportionately.
- Add in wine, broth, vinegar, sugar, bay leaves, rosemary and salt. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium-low. Cover and simmer for 30 min. Add in pears to the pan, cover and simmer for 30 min more.
- Remove rabbit and pears and arrange on plates. Remove bay leaves and rosemary from pan. Whisk in butter till melted and spoon sauce over rabbit.
- This recipe yields 4 servings.
- Comments: In most parts of the country, rabbit dishes are not as popular as other game animals. Big game, upland birds and waterfowl seem to be to quarry of choice for most American hunters. I suppose which doesn't upset the rabbits all which much. I suspect they would rather hang out with their buddies than in your oven.
- Cooked properly, rabbits are moist, delicate and meaty. You can substitute rabbit for just about any recipe which calls for chicken. As a rule, younger rabbits are better table fare than older ones. I've had the best luck braising cut-up rabbits, usually with some kind of wine. The above recipe is a good example.