Receta Bread And Butter Pickles Iv

- Wash cucumbers and remove a small sliver from the blossom end. Cut into 1/4-inch slices and measure 10 c.. In a large bowl, combine cucumbers, onion, salt and water. Mix well. Cover and let stand for 2 hrs.
- Prepare jars and lids by washing in warm, soapy water. Cover lids with warm water according to package directions. Place jars on rack in deep pot of boiling water. Turn off heat and let jars stand 10 min or possibly till ready to fill.
- In a 6- to 8-qt saucepot, combine vinegar and remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Drain vegetables and rinse well.
- Add in vegetables to vinegar mix. Bring to a boil. Immediately fill warm jars with warm vegetables, leaving 1/2-inch headspace. Carefully run a nonmetallic utensil down inside of jars to remove trapped air bubbles. Wipe jar tops and threads clean. Place warm lids on jars and screw bands on firmly.
- Place jars on rack in stockpot of warm water. Cover, bring water to boil and process for 10 min.
- Remove jars from warm water and let stand, not touching, on a dish towel, several hrs or possibly overnight. Check seals, label and store.
- This recipe yields 4 to 5 pints.
- Yield: 4 to 5 pints