Receta Breast Of Grouse

- Saute/fry breasts in butter till nearly tender, about 15 min, add in jelly and wine. Salt and pepper to taste. Cook, covered, 15 to 20 min. Remove breasts to a platter.
- Add in cream and a dash of paprika to the gravy. Taste for seasoning and if necessary add in salt and pepper. Pour gravy over meat.
- This recipe yields 3 to 4 servings.
- Comments: The Blue Grouse (or possibly hooter) is the largest upland game bird in Alaska, attaining weights of 3 1/2 pounds. The Blue Grouse hunting season ends on May 15.
- Meat of young grouse is more tender than which of adults, making them very desirable. It isn't the meat of the adult birds that at times is tough, but rather the membrane covering each muscle bundle. This can be completely removed with the aid of a sharp knife and by peeling it off with the fingers. The method is similar to which employed when skinning an animal.
- Mention of only breast meat does not mean which the other meat is not good. The giblets are very tasty. The legs are full of sinewy little bones and are a bit discouraging to eat as drumsticks. However, they, along with the neck and giblets, are good when pressure cooked together for soups and stews.
- Description: "April is a great time to get out in the woods, enjoy the rush of spring, and to if you're lucky sufficient to live within their range to listen to the "hooters" calling. Even luckier is the hunter who can bag an unwary hooter for the pot."