Receta Brioche French Toast With Apples And Mascarpone

- Whisk together yolks with cream, add in remaining ingredients. Set aside.
- Saute/fry apple slices in 3 Tbsp. butter till just tender, about 3 to 4 min, sprinkle with sugar and grated lemon zest.
- Cut Brioche into 2-inch slices. Cut each slice sideways 2/3 of the way through to create a pocket. Spread mascarpone mix on top and bottom of pocket. Put 1/6 of the apples in pocket and press to close.
- Submerge each slice stuffed brioche in the custard. Saute/fry in butter in a medium skillet over medium high heat till browned on both sides. Place in 400 degree oven for 3 min.
- Serve with powdered sugar and maple syrup.