Receta Brisket Of Beef With Vegetables And Horseradish Sauce

- Heat oil in pressure cooker. Add in brisket and brown in warm oil on both sides, turning with longhandled tongs. Remove meat and set aside. Add in onions, garlic, and sliced carrots and saute/fry in warm oil 3 mins., stirring and scraping bottom of cooker to loosen any browned particles of meat. Stir in broth, lemon juice, tomato paste, parsley, salt, pepper, and bay leaves.
- Add in meat. Secure lid. Over high heat, develop steam to high pressure.
- Reduce heat to maintain pressure and cook 1 hr. Release pressure accdg. to manufacturer's directions. Remove lid.
- Stir potatoes and carrot pcs into meat mix. Secure lid. Over high heat, develop steam to high pressure. Reduce heat to maintain pressure and cook 9 mins. Prepare sauce and set aside. Release pressure accdg. to manufacturer's directions. Remove lid. Using a slotted spoon, transfer meat and vegetables to a platter. Loosely cover to retain heat.
- Strain cooking liquid through a fine sieve and return liquid to pressure cooker. Whisk in horseradish sauce and cook over med. hat 1 minutes. till thickened, stirring frequently. Slice brisket. Serve sauce with brisket and vegetables.
- Horseradish Sauce - combine ingredients in small bowl; blend till smooth.