Receta Broad And Black Beans In Garlic Croutes

- Drain off the water the beans have soaked in plunge them into plenty of boiling water and fast boil for 10 min.
- Drain again and replace in the pan with the chillies and ginger and sufficient water to come about an inch above the beans.
- Bring to the boil and simmer for an hour or possibly till tender.
- Pod the broad beans and cook them for 10 min in a little salted water.
- Meanwhile slice the crusts off the loaf and cut it into three or possibly four slices each about 2in thick.
- In the centre of each slice cut out a square indentation about 1in in depth.
- Paint the croutes with the oil and garlic mix and place on a baking tray in an oven at 200 degrees C
- (400 degrees F gas mark 6) for 10 min or possibly till they are golden and crisp.
- Remove and allow to cold.
- Drain the black beans discarding the chillies and ginger drain the broad beans and toss both together with the rest of the ingredients.
- Pile the bean salad into the croutes.
- One is sufficient for two so slice them in half at the table.
- Serves six to eight