Receta Broiled Eggplant Bologna

- Slice the eggplant thin and sprinkle with a bit of salt. Don't peel. Drain the slices in a colander for 1/2 hour. Rinse with cool water and pat dry with paper towels. Pan-fry the slices slowly in a bit of extra virgin olive oil till they are brown.
- Arrange them on a baking dish and sprinkle bread crumbs which have been mixed with extra virgin olive oil and fresh crushed garlic on top. Place under a broiler till the crumbs are browned and all is warm.
- Serve immediately.
- Comments: This is a simple dish - very common food, but delicious. My friend Mrs. Nasi in Bologna, Italy served this for lunch one afternoon. I need only describe the dish for you as you will certainly have no trouble making it.