Receta Brown Rice And Vegetable Pie

- Make the pastry by mixing the flour and salt in a bowl. Pour in the oil and mix. Add in water gradually, stirring to make dough. Leave to stand for half an hour before baking.
- Make the filling by sauteing the onion and carrots in oil for 5 min. Then add in the water and bring to the boil.
- Add in the rice, aduki beans, garlic, parsley and soy sauce.
- Roll out two-thirds of the pastry and line a greased 9in loose-bottomed flan tin. Place the rice and vegetables mix inside, piling them higher in the middle.
- Mix the miso in 1/4pt warm water in a pan. Mix the kuzu with 1/4pt of cool water and pour into the miso mix, Add in the tahini, stir and bring to the boil. Pour the sauce over the vegetables.
- Cover the vegerables with the remaining pastry, decorate by pressing sesame seeds into the top and bake for 35 min in a preheated oven at 230 C/450 F/gas mark 8.
- Note: Kuzu is a high quality starch made from the root of the kuzu vine. If you can't find any in health food shops, use arrowroot instead.