Receta But Would I Buy It Again?
Happy Tuesday!
I can’t believe it’s been a week since my last blog post! Geez. I thought my schedule would have opened up by now, but honestly it hasn’t! Between year-end (boring) tasks at work and training at the gym 6 days a week AND trying to be a good wife and friend….I don’t have much screen time.
When I’m home I’m in FULL relaxation mode! Boot Slippers and leggings are a mandatory uniform on the weekend.
But I really wanted to check in with you guys and tell you about three new yummy products I found last week at my local Kroger.
I rarely shop at Kroger – I’m a Harris Teeter girl all the way – but last week I had to stop by my local running store which is directly beside a Kroger. So I popped in to take a peek at their gluten free packaged food.
I chose three new-to-me items and I chose well!
Two items from Love Grown Foods:
Gluten Free Hot Oats To Go!
Ridiculously easy to make! You just add boiling water to the container and pop the lid back on. Wait 3 minutes and you’re ready to go! We have an electric kettle at work, so this was perfect. I loved the flavor, and I was super impressed by the big chunks of strawberry and raspberry. I will definitely be buying these again.
I also picked up Love Grown Foods Super Oats with Chia for mornings when I have more time.
Guess what. These oats COOK IN THREE MINUTES! Yep. Three minutes. Plus with 5 grams of fiber and 7 grams of protein, it leaves me full for hours! I will definitely buy this again too!
My last purchase I would definitely buy again….although I don’t know if I should!
Chocolate Peanut Butter Kettlecorn from Popcorn Indiana. Oh boy. Straight delicious. And I finished the bag in a record breaking three days! I could NOT keep my hands out of the bag! What about you? Have you tried a new product recently that you absolutely love?