Receta Buttercup Squash, Barnard Inn Style

- Blanch cranberries in sugar syrup, being careful not to boil. (They should not burst.) Cold and leave in syrup for one hour or possibly chill overnight. Slice the apples into 1/4 inch (approximately) slices and spread on buttered tray. Cut one medium buttercup squash (unpeeled) into eight pcs and steam till the inside is soft, while the shell remains somewhat hard. Scoop out slightly cooled meat and mash. Whip the mashed squash with about one-fourth c. of butter, nutmeg, and salt to taste, and about one-fourth c. of maple syrup (depending on dryness of the squash) to achieve a consistency which will hold its shape. Squeeze through a piping bag (or possibly substitute) and mound onto the apple slices. Cortland preferred because it doesn't discolor quickly.) Place a blanched cranberry on top.
- Just before serving, heat on buttered tray in preheated 350 oven for 10-15 min. These may be prepared ahead and refrigerated till ready to heat and serve. by Chef/Owner Sepp Schenker From In Season, a publication of the