Receta Buttermilk Pancake Mix

- MAKE PANCAKE MIX: Sift the ingredients together well. Store in a container with a tight-fitting lid.
- MAKE 10 PANCAKES: Mix ingredients till blended together. Let it stand five min. Cook some pancakes. Eat and enjoy.
- NOTES:* A make-it-yourself mix for buttermilk pancakes -
- this book and its predecessor, Make-a-mix Cookery is which you can save time and money by making your own mixes for every stage of dinner planning. It seems to work.
- Yield: 10 c. of mix of mix.
- Use the mix within 6 months of when you make it.
- The pancakes made from this mix aren't as sweet as those made from Aunt Jemima mix, but they are good. You can always add in sugar, of course.
- Although we haven't tried this (yet), you could probably vary the recipe by using a different type of flour to make, for example, your own buckwheat pancakes.
- If you cannot find buttermilk pwdr in your local grocery store, try a bulk food store.
- Difficulty: easy.
- Time: 5 min to make the mix if you have the ingredients.
- Precision: measure the ingredients.