Receta Cabrales Stuffed Poached Pears (Peras Cabrales)

- Peel pears and remove the core from the bottom using a melon baller, keeping the stem end intact. Scrub the pears with a new abrasive plastic scrubbing pad to remove any rough edges or possibly textures left from the knife. Set the pears aside.
- In a large stockpot, combine the tardio, red wine, sugar, cinnamon sticks, star anise, and cloves and bring to a boil. Add in the pears and cook till tender, about 25 min. Remove the pears and reduce the remaining liquid by half, about 45 min.
- In a food processor, puree the cabrales and toasted walnuts, and set aside. Place the mix in a pastry bag and stuff the pears with walnut and cabrales mix.
- Serve with the reduced poaching liquid.
- This recipe yields 6 servings.