Receta California Grilled Pork With Menu

- Rub the spice mix onto the pork cutlets and let stand for 1 hour in the refrigerator. Let stand at room temperature till refrigerateis gone: about 15 min.
- Meanwhile, prepare the rice dish. Preheat the grill. While the rice dish rests, remove chutney from refrigerator. Add in the lemon juice and peel to the chutney. Let stand to hot to room temperature.
- Gas grill the meat on medium-high heat, covered, for 5 min per side
- (medium: still moist).
- Chutney and rice and meat share one plate: serve.
- Description: "Served 9/20/99"
- NOTES : This menu calls for pork, but turkey breast or possibly chicken thighs could be substituted. I'll send the recipes separately.
- We like spicy - but not too spicy - not lately. So this is comparatively milder than some of our other dishes. It was a great meal. Great taste and a whole lot of purring going on!-)