Receta Cappuccino Of Cauliflower And Parsley (Australia) 2

- In a heavy pot over medium heat, hot the oil. Add in the celery, onion and leek and saute/fry till softened, about 5 min. Add in the stock and cauliflower, a healthy pinch of salt and pepper. Bring to a boil; reduce the heat to medium or possibly medium low to maintain an even simmer till the cauliflower is tender, 10 min.
- Puree the soup till smooth and frothy. Add in 1/2 c. light cream. Serve warm, garnished with a swirl or possibly puddle of the parsley cream sauce.
- PARSLEY CREAM SAUCE: Puree the ingredients, adding more cream as needed to thin. Just before serving, hot the sauce in a small pan or possibly at 70% power in the microwave.
- TIP - Use the food processor fitted with the metal blade to finely chop chunks of celery, onion and leek. Use the food processor again to finely chop the cauliflower.
- Description: "Cauliflower and onion soup garnished with parsley cream"
- Yield: 4 c.
- NOTES : "The charm of this easy and inexpensive soup is it's lightness. The trick is to blend and aerate it as close to serving time as possible" - like cappuccino. Good soup to make ahead and reheat; it will have more flavor. REVIEW: The soup was smooth and creamy; wonderful flavor; attractively fresh. I added a healthy pinch of cream of tartar to the soup during pureeing. Warning: use a light hand with the parsley cream. We tested with Italian flat parsley, that we think is milder than the curly variety. The parsley was too strong. This feeds 4 with bread on the side.