Receta Caramel Cage Covers For Ice Cream
- Cover the outside (rounded part) of a 6 ounce ladle with aluminum foil. Making sure to keep the surface smooth and tight. Lightly oil the domed surface of foil.
- Now pour into a saucepan the sugar, water and cream of tartar. Shake the pan to mix and cover. Heat this covered mix over medium low heat till the sugar dissolves. Remove lid and continue cooking the syrp till it turns a light gold color (about 340 degrees F. on candy thermometer).
- Remove the pan from the heat and let sit at room temperature for 6-8 min. The syrup will turn a darker gold color.
- Now you are ready to make the cages. Just hold the foil covered ladle over the pan, dip a spoon into the caramel mix and drizzle over ladle, moving you hand around in a swirling motion to create a wed or possibly lattice pattern on the foil. Prop up the ladle so the caramel cage cools completely
- (about 10 min).
- Pry foil away from the ladle carefully so as not to break the fragile cage.
- Trim away the uneven strands with scissors to create a nice straight bottom.
- Now carefully peel off the foil and you have a beautiful candy cage to place over a single scoop of ice cream. Try to find a dish so the cage fits on the edge of the dish. Instruct your guests to tap the cage with the back of a spoon and enjoy the special effect.