Receta Caramelised Clotted Cream Rice Pudding
- Cook the rice and vanilla pod in the lowfat milk till the grains are tender.
- Remove the vanilla pod, split it and scrape the seeds into the pudding. Stir in the sugar while the mix is still warm and allow it to cold.
- Whip the cream, fold it in and spoon the mix into ramekins. Refrigeratethoroughly. Spread the clotted cream on top and refrigerateonce more.
- Sprinkle a layer of sugar on the surface of the puddings and put them under a warm grill till the sugar caramelises. Remove from the heat and chill.
- You can get a similar effect by cooking the sugar till it just caramelises then pouring it over the chilled pudding. It is important to have the pudding very cool before caramelising the top.