Receta Carpaccio Of Scallops With Lime And Passion Fruit

- Peel the cucumber and reserve the skin, cut in half and remove the seeds with a tsp.. Slice the cucumber as thinly as possible and place in a bowl, dress with a little lime juice, extra virgin olive oil and a healthy pinch of sugar.
- Slice the scallops on the vertical very thinly. In a three inch ring arrange a thin layer of the cucumber on a plate, then place a layer of scallops on top. Put aside in a refrigerator till required.
- To make the dressing remove the pulp from the inside of the passion fruit into a bowl, add in the zest and juice of the lime, vinegar, a tsp. of sugar and the extra virgin olive oil and whisk together. Peel and cut the carrot into a thin julienne and blanche in boiling water for ten seconds then refresh in ice cool water and drain, do the same with the skin of the cucumber, but don't cook.
- Remove the plated scallops from the fridge, garnish with a little lettuce, julienne and a few picked herbs, then drizzle with the dressing and serve.