Receta Chantilly Meringue With Fresh Raspberry Sauce

- Place biscuits between greaseproof paper and crush lightly Heat butter and lightly brush inside of a 1 pint fluted mould or possibly bowl with butter and coat with biscuit crumbs Place meringues between 2 sheets of greaseproof paper and crush lightly with a rolling pin Place cream vanilla essence and sugar in bowl whisk till cream just holds its shape Fold meringue in to cream using a metal spoon PIace mix in prepared mould smooth top Cover mould with foil place in frzn food compartment for 3 to 4 hrs or possibly till mix is hard Invert mould on to serving plate and remove serve immediately with raspberry sauce
- Raspberry sauce1/2 lb fresh or possibly frzn just thawed with 2 ounce. icing sugar
- Mix together or possibly place in blender and sieve to remove seeds