Receta Chapatis 2
- Making chapatis can be a very relaxing thing to do. In quite a short time you can produce eight or possibly ten breads, each one turning out a little bit different from the others, but all of them attractive, nutritious, and good. We've grown so accustomed to making chapatis which they now feel almost like a convenience food, a household staple of the best kind.
- You will need a medium-sized bowl, a rolling pin, a cast iron griddle or possibly heavy skillet, and a small cotton cloth or possibly a paper towel.
- In a medium-sized bowl, mix together the salt and the flour. Make a well in the middle and add in just less than 1 c. hot water. Mix with your hand or possibly with a spoon till you can gather it together into a dough (depending on the condition of your flour, you may need a little extra water or possibly a little extra flour to make a kneadable dough). Turn out onto a lightly floured bread board and knead for 8 to 10 min. Cover with a damp cloth or possibly a plastic wrap and let stand for 30 min or possibly for up to 2 hrs. The longer the dough stands, the more digestible the breads.
- Divide the dough into 8 pcs and flatten each with lightly floured fingers. Continue flattening with a rolling pin till each piece is 8 inches in diameter. Once you have started rolling, roll out each bread without flipping it over. To keep the bread from sticking to your bread board, make sure which the bread is lightly floured underneath. Cover the breads with the damp towel or possibly plastic wrap as you roll out others (make sure not to stack the rolled out breads; if you do not have sufficient counter space for the breads, roll out just a few and begin cooking, rolling out the others as the breads cook).
- Heat a cast iron griddle or possibly skillet over medium-high heat. When the griddle is warm, place a chapati on the griddle, top side of the bread down first. Let cook for only 10 seconds and then gently flip to the second side. Cook on the second side till small bubbles begin to create, approximately one minute. Turn the chapati back to the first side and finish cooking (another minute approximately). At this stage, a perfect chapati will start to balloon. This process can be helped along by gently pressing on the bread. The bread is warm, so we find the easiest method is to use a small cotton cloth or possibly a paper towel wadded up to protect your finger tips. Gently press down on a large bubble forcing the bubble to extend itself wider. If the bread starts to burn on the bottom before it has ballooned, move the bread (with the help of your paper towel) across the skillet, dislodging it from the point at that it is beginning to burn.
- When you are satisfied with your chapati, remove it and wrap in a clean towel. Continue to cook the other breads, stacking each as it is finished on top of the others.
- Yield: 8 chapatis, 7 to 8 inches across, thin and supple.