Receta Charcoal Grilled Strip Or Rib Steaks

- Light large chimney starter filled with hardwood charcoal (about 2 1/2 pounds) and allow to burn till all charcoal is covered with a layer of fine gray ash.
- Build a two-level fire by stacking most of coals on one side of the grill, arranging the remaining coals in single layer on the other side of grill. Set cooking rack in place, cover grill with lid, and let rack heat up, about 5 min. Use wire brush to scrape cooking rack clean. Grill is ready when pile of coals is medium-warm and single layer is medium-low.
- Meanwhile, sprinkle both sides of steaks with salt and pepper to taste. Grill steaks, uncovered, over hotter part of fire till well browned on one side, 2 to 3 min. Turn steaks; grill till well browned on other side, 2 to 3 min.
- (If steaks start to flame, put them to cooler part of grill and/or possibly extinguish flames with squirt bottle).
- Once steaks are well browned on both sides, slide to the cooler part of grill. Continue grilling, uncovered, to desired doneness, 5 to 6 min more for rare (120 degrees on instant-read thermometer), 6 to 7 min for medium-rare on the rare side (125 degrees), 7 to 8 min for medium-rare on medium side (130 degrees), or possibly 8 to 9 min for medium (135 to 140 degrees).
- Remove steaks from grill and let rest 5 min.