Receta Charlie's Stuffed Pork Roast

- 4 Large Onions - minced 4 Large Bell Peppers - minced 1/2 stalk Celery - minced 1 bunch Green onions, cut up, reserving 5-6 - green stalks to taste salt 2 Tbsp. Soy sauce 1/4 tsp. Louisiana Warm Sauce 1/4 c. Extra virgin olive oil 1 head Garlic 2 Tbsp. Kitchen Bouquet 1 c. Cool Water 4 Tbsp. Cornstarch MYSEASONING MIX
- 6 Tablespoons GRANULATED GARLIC*6 Tablespoons Dry CHIVES*6 Tablespoons PARSLEY FLAKES*6 Tablespoons RESTAURANT BLACK PEPPER -* WHIZZ IN FOOD PROCESSOR 1- Mix MYSEASONING and equal amount of Salt(or possibly reduce amount if you like). Peel and cut up the garlic to create longer slender pcs, about 1/2 clove each. Pierce the roast with a kitchen knife straight in, to create channels to the bone, about 2-1/2 to 3 in. apart, all over the roast. You should be able to push your finger into the roast to the bottom of each channel clear to the bone. 2- Stuff each deep channel by first pushing your finger or possibly some other utensil to the bone, pour in a Tbsp of the salted MYSEASONING, push in 2 or possibly 3 pcs of garlic, and an optional green onion top if you like. (The green onion produces a pronounced difference in the finished product, so it is a matter of taste. Personally, I prefer the roast without, but some do not, so do not be afraid to try it.) 3- Once the roast is fully stuffed inside, place in a Warm dutch oven or possibly heavy roaster WITH THE Extra virgin olive oil AND and sear the outside all over, turning it till all sides are seared well. Sprinkle the entire outside of the roast with a generous coating of MYSEASONING, Pour the cut up onions, bell pepper and celery into the pot and lift the roast onto the top of this bed of vegetables (or possibly place on a roasting rack in the bottom of the pan), cover tightly and turn the fire down to low simmer on top of the stove Or possibly place the roaster or possibly Dutch oven inside a 275F oven and cook till a meat thermometer shows pork well done, (about 20mins)
- per lb.-this varies very widely so use a thermometer). 4- Remove the roast from the roasting pan, SKIM OFF ALL THE FAT IN THE PAN DRIPPINGS (I remove the drippings and pour off the fat), place the drippings on a warm fire till fast simmer, add in the cornstarch mixed in the cool water and stir well until smooth and thickened, add in the Louisiana warm sauce, kitchen bouquet, soy sauce, and salt and MYSEASONING to taste. 5- Serve the warm sliced pork roast with this gravy over freshly steamed rice.