Receta Checkerboard Fantasy Cake

- A great party cake, especially for children. Chicago Metallic and Rowoco, two major pan producers, like this recipe so much they both offer it with their checkerboard cake pans.
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Grease a set of three 9-by-1 inch checkerboard cake pans and line with parchment or possibly wax paper, then grease again and flour.
- In a double boiler, heat the chocolate over warm (not simmering) water, stirring frequently. Remove from the water.
- In a medium bowl, lightly combine the Large eggs, a quarter of the lowfat milk and the vanilla; set aside.
- In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking pwdr and salt, and mix on low speed for 30 seconds to blend. Add in the butter and remaining lowfat milk. Mix on low speed till the dry ingredients are moistened. Increase to medium speed
- (high speed if using a hand mixer) and beat for 1 1/2 min. Scrape down the sides of the bowl. Gradually add in the egg mix in 3 batches, beating for 20 seconds after each addition. Scrape down the sides.
- Divide the batter approximately in half in 2 bowls. Stir the melted chocolate into the smaller batch of batter till uniform in color. Fill 2 large pastry bags fitted with large round tubes 3/4 inch in diameter (a large No. 9 tube)
- with the 2 batters (see note).
- Place the divider rings in a pan and pipe batter into each section, alternating batter colors. The batter should fill the pan about 1/2 full. Using a small metal spatula or possibly the back of a spoon, smooth any seams or possibly divisions in the batter. Now carefully lift out the divider and rinse it off. When piping batter for the second layer, alternate the colors (if you started with yellow for the outside ring, start with chocolate). Pipe batter for the third layer exactly like the first.
- Bake 25 min or possibly till a tester inserted near the center comes out clean and the cakes spring back when pressed lightly in the centers. The cakes should start to shrink from the sides of the pans only after removal from the oven.
- Let the cakes cold in the pans on racks for 10 min. Loosen the sides with a small metal spatula and invert onto greased wire racks. To prevent splitting, re-invert so which the tops are up and cold completely before wrapping airtight.
- When stacking the layers, use a very thin coating of yellow or possibly chocolate frosting to adhere the layers without disturbing the checkerboard effect.
- Note: You may also use glass measuring c. to pour the batter into the pans, but pastry bags are faster and easier to use. -