Receta Cheers to 30 Years–with a Cupcake Booty
You know those suppers out with your friends that you never want to end? This past Saturday was one of those magical suppers, celebrating MOH’s upcoming birthday.
Our close group of friends chose a newly opened restaurant in Wilmington, Rx, to honor MOH, and we had everything we needed to celebrate a truly best friend.
Best Drink. (Mojito)
Best Friends. (Parrish and Mack – surprisingly wearing nearly identical shirts)
Best Booty. (Miss Josey wore a very special outfit for MOH’s party. She clearly was the best dressed!)
Her onesie even had a custom ‘30’ rhinestone applique. Not many babies can say that.
Best Meal. (Rx is really gluten free friendly. Their chef is very knowledgeable and our waitress was great. I enjoyed every bit of this Flank Steak with Bliss Potatoes.)
Best Clean Plate. (Seriously. I told you. Every bite.)
Best at Blowing Bubbles.
Best Dessert. (I bought Alex one of those disgustingly good cakes from the local grocery store that has the whipped icing with 1,000 ingredients. For myself, I stopped by a fairly new bakery in Wilmington called Uprising. I found this beauty ^^^ Gluten Free Red Velvet Cupcake. It was divine.)
Such a fun night.
I wouldn’t say I had the best hangover on Sunday morning….when will I learn to not drink a liquor cocktail and then wine?! BUT who cares because Saturday night was awesome.
An awesome night for an awesome lady.
Happy Birthday MOH!
And Happy Monday to you! I’m starting out my morning with a trip to the campus gym…hopefully I won’t be too intimidated.