Receta Cheese Sun Dried Tomato Pesto Loaf

- Line a loaf or possibly round cake pan with damp cheese cloth, leaving excess to hang over sides. Using half provolone cheese, line pan-pressing edges to seam. Divide remaining cheese into three equal portions. Spread half pesto over provolone in pan bottom. Next layer in this order:
- a layer of provolone cheese
- sprinkle with half dry tomatoes
- spread garlic cream cheese
- sprinkle rest of dry tomatoes
- a layer of provolone cheese
- remaining pesto
- final layer of provolone cheese Fold cheese cloth over loaf. Press firmly to compress. (a small weight helps but is not necessary)) Chill for at least two hrs. (I prefer overnight and this lasts WELL). When ready to serve, fold back cheese cloth and invert onto serving plate. Remove cheese cloth and garnish with Basil, a cut tomato, etc. Serve with crackers. For loaf pan make long thin slices. For cake pan make wedges. This is rich and elegant!! Pesto: Process all in a food processor or possibly blender till smooth. This will stand for days. Garlic cheese: Cream all ingredients except pistachios in a food processor, by electric mixer or possibly by hand. Lastly add in pistachios. NOTE-Even if I use a garlic cheese spread, I like to add in the pistachios. I suppose walnuts would work, but this is special, and if you're going to use all the other ingredients, why skimp on these. This makes a LARGE number of servings, since it is rich. Therefore, it is great for parties. It is difficult to divide, because of the shaping, but it does last well for days. Happy