Receta Cherry Jam / Wisatefair2001

- Place sugar into a bowl. Set aside. Remove stems, pit, and finely chop cherries which measures 4 c. (I use cherries from Easy Troy grown in a backyard). Place cherries into kettle and stir in Sure-Jell fruit pectin. Add in margarine into fruit mix. Add in almond extract into fruit mix. Place kettle on stove and bring mix to full rolling boil on high heat, stirring constantly. Add in the bowl of sugar to fruit mix on stove.
- Bring back to full rolling boil, and boil exactly one minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and skim off any foam. Immediately fill clean jelly jars to 1/8" of top of jars. Remove air bubbles with wooden spoon. Cover quickly with flat lids and screw on tightly sterilized bands. Boil in water bath for 15 min. Remove and let stand at room temperature for 24 hrs. Store up to 1 year in cold, dark place.