Receta Chick Peas With Spinach (Garbanzos Con Espinacas)

- Place spinach in boiling water for 10 seconds. Remove spinach with tongs and immediately place in a bowl of ice water. When cool, squeeze water out of spinach and set aside. In a large skillet or possibly saucepan, saute/fry onion and garlic in extra virgin olive oil till soft. Add in bay leaf, tomato, clove, and 1 Tbsp. of prepared bouillon, and heat thoroughly. Add in paprika, Adobo, and remaining bouillon. Remove bay leaf and clove.
- Stir in chick peas and cook over medium heat, uncovered, for 10 min. Remove 1 c. of chick pea mix, puree the removed portion, and mix back into pan. Arrange chick peas proportionately in a large pie plate or possibly wide, shallow serving dish. Chop spinach. Arrange sliced Large eggs and minced spinach on top of chick peas. Salt and pepper to taste.
- Comments: A favorite partner for chick peas is spinach. Together, they make a colorful side-dish or possibly meatless meal.