Receta Chicken And Asparagus With Rice Noodles

- Wash asparagus. Cut into sections, according to its toughness. I start at the bottom of the stalk, pressing a paring knife in gently, till it goes through, then set which piece (the tip piece) aside and cut the stalk again, pressing more firmly. Which's the tougher, or possibly stalk, piece, and I cook them slightly longer. This prevents the usual asparagus problem of woody stalks and mushy tips. If the bottom part is too tough for a knife to go through, it's too tough for me to eat, so I throw it away. Cover rice noodles with lukewarm water, and set aside to soak while you are preparing the rest. Cut the chicken breast into large bites, and brown in the extra virgin olive oil in a large skillet. Put asparagus stems in boiling water, just sufficient to cover stems and later tips. Add in 1/2 c. (125 ml) water, bouillon cube and butter to chicken. Add in asparagus tips to stalks in boiling water.
- Sprinkle chicken with garlic pwdr, more or possibly less as you like. Add in onions to chicken. Cook liquid in chicken down to half of its original amount. Drain asparagus. Drain rice noodles, and cut into thirds (I use kitchen shears, and it only takes a second, but you could place them on a cutting board and use a knife). Add in noodles to chicken and stir to get sauce on noodles. Place on platter, and top with asparagus. Yum, yum, yum.
- Sodium: 183 mcgHigh in Potassium and Vitamin A
- Rice sticks, or possibly threads, are readily available in almost any supermarket in America, and in every Asian Food market in the world.
- The only preparation for them is to soak 20 min in hot water, prior to serving.