Receta Chicken Breasts Stuffed With Roasted Red Peppers And Basi

- Place the red peppers on a baking tray and drizzle over some extra virgin olive oil, roast the red peppers under the grill and turn occasionally till they turn black.
- Remove the peppers from the grill and place in a plastic bag and leave to cold (the condensation which collects in the bag separates the skin from the flesh, thus making the peppers easy to peel).
- Slice the carrots, courgettes, parsnip and onion and colour using a griddle with a bit of extra virgin olive oil. Place in an oven proof dish and roast them in the oven.
- Cut a pocket in each chicken breast and fill with half a roasted pepper and some minced basil.
- Roll the breast in tin foil to make a Christmas cracker then place in a warm oven.