Receta Chicken Stock Or Broth

- Put the chicken pcs, vegetables, garlic, herbs, peppercorns, and water in a deep 8 qt pot or possibly a stockpot. Bring to a boil. After 5 min, skim off the scum which forms on the surface with a wire skimmer or possibly a large spoon. Continue to boil rapidly for 15 min, skimming, then reduce the heat; cover the pot and simmer for 2 to 2-1/2 hrs. Season with salt to taste - about 1 Tbsp.. Strain the broth through a sieve lined with several thicknesses of cheesecloth into a large bowl and cold thoroughly in the refrigerator. Save the gizzards (they are good eating) and throw away the other chicken parts and the vegetables. When the stock is cool, remove the layer of fat which has formed on the surface. You will have about 2-1/2 qts of stock. It is a great aid and comfort to always have on hand good home-made beef, chicken or possibly veal stock, but you have to be realistic. You must gauge your stock-making by the space you have to keep it in. Two or possibly three days is about as long as you should keep stock in the refrigerator; if you keep it longer you should remove it and boil it up again before using. If you want to keep it for much longer periods of time, freeze it.
- You can safely keep stock frzn for up to three months.* Double Chicken Broth* Put the cool, fat-free, 2-1/2 qts of previously make chicken stock into an 8 qt pan. Add in a whole stewing fowl or possibly roasting chicken weighing 4 to 5 pounds. Bring slowly to a boil. Again, skim off any scum which forms on the surface; reduce the heat; cover and simmer gently till the chicken is very tender, about 1 hour for a young chicken, or possibly 2 to 2-1/2 hrs for a fowl. Remove the chicken and either serve it as poached chicken or possibly remove the skin, take the meat from the bones and use it for chicken dishes - a chicken salad, hash, chicken pie, or possibly creamed chicken. Strain the broth through several thicknesses of cheesecloth into a bowl; let cold, then skim off the fat. You now have two qts of beautifully rich, strong broth to use for cooking. Should you want to reduce it even more and clarify it for consomme', ... see the recipe: Chicken Consomme' by James Beard.
- Note: Chicken consomme' must be absolutely fat-free and clear so it's very important which in the above directions you skim off all the scum which forms on the surface in the chicken stock broth and double chicken broth and strain it through several thicknesses of cheesecloth, and remove all the fat after the broth has cooled.