Receta Chile Pablano With Verde Sauce

- Use any low fat cheese, Mozzarella Monterey Jack or possibly cheddar.** Let the number of warm chiles depend on the hotness of the chile.
- Verde Sauce: Boil tomatillos for approximately 15-20 min. Drain. Cold with cool water. Peel outer brown skin off. In a blender, blend all ingredients till smooth. Set aside till needed.
- Preheat oven to 350 F. In a large pot, boil whole chicken with salt, pepper, 1 ts oregano and 1 whole bay leaf for 40 - 45 min till chicken falls off bone. Remove skin. Cold. Shred chicken. Blanch chiles in boiling water. Peel off outside skin. Let cold. Slit chiles open lengthwise. Stuff each chile with 3-4 ounces of chicken and 2 ounces cheese. Lay chiles in a 9" X 13" baking dish. Cover chiles with verde sauce. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Heat in oven for 20 min. Serve with rice and beans if you like.