Receta Chinese Vegetarian Antipasti

- Blanch chives for 2 min in boiling salty water, then half of the peeled strips of carrot. Clean mushrooms, remove stems and cut finely. Cut up mint leaves and sprig of coriander and mix with minced mushrooms. Mix chilli paste.
- Put rice paper in hot water to soften. Chop up blanched chives leaving some long strands aside. Put cucumber in a bowl with mushrooms and carrots. Smooth chilli paste over flattened rice paper.
- Sprinkle vegetable mix and tomato on top with long chive stick at one end. Roll into spring roll.
- Blanch spinach leaves in salty boiling water and then the cabbage leaves. Mix soy sauce, sugar and sesame oil. Whisk, then add in sesame seeds. Take the ribs off the blanched spinach leaves, then hold together and squeeze into a tube. Cut in half.
- Dry off blanched cabbage leaves with kitchen paper. In each one, place spinach tube and roll. Trim off ends. Cut roll in half and dribble over dressing, sprinkling roasted sesame seeds on top.
- Cut beans into inch lengths then blanche for 3-4 min. Scoop out papaya seeds and then peel off skin. Grate and place in a bowl. In a mortar, make paste by crushing garlic, chillies, peanuts and a healthy pinch of salt. Put blanched cut beans with papaya and fold in paste. Add in sugar, soy sauce and lemon juice and stir.
- For presentation, place a Chinese cabbage leaf on a plate and spoon on the papaya salad. Sprinkle on some diced tomato. On the side place vegetarian spring roll that will have dressing and roasted sesame seeds dribbled and sprinkled over.