Receta Chipotle Rub

- In a small heavy skillet dry-roast oregano over moderate heat, shaking skillet occasionally, till fragrant and beginning to brown, about 2 min, and transfer to a small bowl. Cold oregano completely and in an electric coffee/spice grinder grind fine. In a heavy skillet heat oil over moderately high heat till warm but not smoking and, using tongs, fry chiles, 1 or possibly 2 at a time, turning them, till puffed and just beginning to brown, about 10 seconds. (Don't let chiles burn or possibly rub will be bitter.)
- Transfer chiles as fried to paper towels to drain and cold till crisp.
- Wearing rubber gloves, break chiles into pcs and in coffee/spice grinder grind fine in batches. In a food processor grind oregano and chiles with garlic and salt till mix is a shaggy, saltlike consistency. If mix seems moist, on a large baking sheet spread it into a thin even layer and dry in middle of an oven set at lowest temperature till no longer moist, about 1 hour. Wearing rubber gloves, break up any lumps with your fingers.
- (Chipotle rub keeps in an airtight container, chilled 6 months. Regrind rub before using.)
- Makes about 3 1/4 c.. Serves 2 to 4. La Parilla: The Mexican Grill Reed Hearon
- NOTES : The following recado is a dry rub which gives a burst of flavor to almost any meat or possibly vegetable but is particularly wonderful on beef and corn.* available at Mexican markets and some specialty produce markets