Receta Choco Oreo Turkeys

- Place one Oreo cookie as the base. Put one teaspoon of chocolate frosting on top.
- Place one small peanut butter cup on it's side so that the top and bottom are perpendicular to the base -- and stuck in the frosting. Place a teaspoon of chocolate frosting on the top(widest part) of the p-butter cup.
- For the second cookie. Stick some candy corn into the Oreo 'stuff' along one edge for the feathers -- pointy side down. They should fan out around the edge. If you have trouble doing this, you can help them stick with some white frosting.
- Place this second Oreo cookie (the tail) on it's edge and sticking to a dab of brown frosting on the back of the peanut butter cup.
- Place a dab of chocolate frosting on top of the peanut butter up (for the head). Place a malted milk ball on top for the head.
- Take a small amount of the white frosting in a separate dish. Mix in red food coloring.
- Use a toothpick with the white and red colors to place eyes, and wattle. You can pinch off the small pointy top of a candy corn and dip it in brown frosting for the beak.