Receta Chocolate Covered Macaroon Iced Coffee
This ultra smooth, nutty cold-brewed Chocolate Covered Macaroon Iced Coffee is slightly sweet and reminiscent of those chewy cookies we all love.
Chocolate Covered Macaroon Iced Coffee Author: Marlene Baird Nutrition Information Serving size: 315
Calories: 103
- Fat: 6.8
- Saturated fat: 4.2
- Carbohydrates: 7.3
- Sugar: 6.2
- Sodium: 44 mg
- Protein: 2.7
- Cholesterol: 19 mg
- Prep time: 20 mins Total time: 20 mins
one package of Via Iced Coffee (or 16 ounces cold brewed coffee) 4 ounces of milk 2% 1 ounce of Heavy Whipping cream 1 teaspoon Swerve Sweetener ½ Tablespoon unsweetened cocoa (I used Droste) 1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Vanilla Syrup (or ½ Tablespoon Vanilla Bean paste) 3 teaspoons coconut extract Ice
Have your ice in each glass ready Remove 1½ Tablespoons of the coffee into a small bowl. Add the cocoa and mix until smooth; set aside (Don't add the cocoa powder directly into the coffee without following this method because it will never blend correctly) Add the vanilla syrup, the Swerve Sweetener and the cocoa mixture to the cold coffee. set aside In a separate bowl, add the milk, the cream and the coconut extract. Using a milk frother whip until nice and frothy. Pour the coffee mixture into the iced glasses. Top with the coconut cream mixture. Serve Immediately. 3.2.2708
Oh the glory of it all.
Right in my very own kitchen.
You guys, it all started when I realized how close my office is to Starbucks.
Then it happened. I became addicted to iced coffee. The perfect treat for the summertime.
Today, when I was buying a cup, I spotted a box of Via Iced coffee packets.
Well you obviously know what happened, right?
This happened. Two of my favorite ingredients all in one mug. I took my first slurp. I would say sip, but come on, why sip when you can slurp. Right then and there I almost fainted. And I am not going to lie. I drank both servings all in one sitting.
Bam! It was all gone. Just like that.
Holy Moly! Let me be the first one to tell you. YOU HAVE GOT TO TRY IT!!.
Run, don’t walk all the way to the store. Do not pass go. Go directly to your kitchen and whip up this sucker.
You can thank me later.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.
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