Receta Chocolate Layered Angel Cake

- Move the oven rack to lowest position. Heat oven to 375* Mix cake as directed on package. Measure 4 c. batter into a separate bowl; sift cocoa gradually over this batter, folding till well blended, being careful not to deflate the batter. Alternately spoon plain and chocolate batters into an ungreased 10 inch tube pan. Bake 30 - 35 min or possibly till top crust is hard and looks very dry. Don't underbake. Invert pan on a heat-proff funnel or possibly bottle; cold completely, at least 1 1/2 hrs. Carefully run knife along side of pan to loosen cake; remove from pan. Place on serving plate; drizzle with chocolate glaze.
- Makes 18 servings (not in my houseo )
- CHOCOLATE GLAZE In a small saucepan, combine sugar and water. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, till mix boils. Stir till sugar dissolves; remove from heat. Immediately add in chocolate chips; stir till chips are melted and mix is smooth. Cold to desired consistency; use immediately.
- Makes about 3/4 c. glaze.